If winter, lazy default continues. I wish to hang out under the blanket. Mulu also hungry stomach .. department .. nyarinya also always warm soupy food ... yum .. yum

How many days ago I kepikiran make sara'ba, ginger-based drinks, typical Makassar. Usually in the present with banana and sweet potato (cassava) fries. It was first kepikiran make themselves as if in Makkasar usually buy direct so.

 4 cup water
300g ginger, peeled, keprek.
250g brown sugar
2 tablespoons white sugar
1/4 tsp pepper
1 cup coconut milk, I use canned coconut milk

How to create,

Cook water with ginger, brown sugar and white sugar boiling and then enter sampi pepper and coconut milk. Stirring constantly so as not peca coconut milk, cook until done. Tapis ginger pulp. Serve warm.
This Sarabba usually drunk with egg yolk which is then inserted into a glass pour hot sarabba. But this time I use guns. With a plate of fried bananas ... hhhmmm ... nyamanna ...


jalangkote cake is a typical food of Makassar, shaped like a patty. So that the result is crispy and not hard, time to make the dough skin is not too much diuli and had thin. For details, see recipe jalangkote for the following 10 pieces. Leather material jalangkote

 Jalangkote Cake Recipes:

Leather material jalangkote:

     Cake flour, 200 grams
     Chicken eggs, 1 egg
     Milk, 60 ml
     Salt, 1/2 teaspoon
     Cooking oil, 750 ml

Fill material jalangkote:

     Carrots, 75 grams, diced
     Potatoes, 75 grams, diced
     Minced beef, 100 grams
     Boiled egg, 2 eggs, cut into 6 parts
     Sprouts, 50 grams, siangi
     Soun, 25 grams, soak until soft
     Leeks, 1 stalk, thinly sliced
     Water, 25 ml

Seasoning jalangkote:

     Garlic, 3 cloves, thinly sliced
     Red onion, 4 grains, thinly sliced
     Pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon
     Nutmeg powder, 1/4 teaspoon
     Broth powder, to taste
     Salt, to taste
     Sugar, to taste

Jalangkote sauce:

     Red chili, 4 pieces
     Cayenne pepper, 2 pieces
     Garlic, 4 cloves
     Red onion, 3 eggs
     Salt, to taste
     Vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon
     Sugar, 1 teaspoon
     Water, 200 ml

How to make Jalngkote:

     Contents: Heat 2 tablespoons oil, saute garlic and onion until fragrant. Add leeks, beef, carrots and potatoes. Pour water. Cook until half cooked. Enter the contents of materials and other spices except eggs. Hinggga cook all ingredients cooked. Remove and set aside.
     Skin: Stir in the flour in the dough compositions. Add eggs, salt and coconut milk. Stir well. Add 50 ml of hot cooking oil, knead until dough is smooth. Roll the dough up to 3 mm thick, cut into a round shape with a diameter of 10 cm.
     Take one sheet of bark, put 2 tablespoons of dough and 1 piece of egg on it. Grit and paste with egg whites form a half circle, gyre edges. Repeat until the dough runs out.
     Heat the remaining oil, fry the dough until cooked. Remove and serve.
     Sauce: Mix all ingredients except water and vinegar sauce, puree in a blender. Heat 2 tbsp of oil, stir fry until cooked. Lift. Boil water, insert fry seasoning and vinegar. Cook until done. Lift.
     Jalangkote Serve with the sauce.



Mie Titi is one of the origins of Chinese dishes are very popular in Makassar. This kind of food is served with ifumi, which consisted of sliced ​​shrimp, mushrooms, squid, chicken liver, meatballs, vegetables and doused in thick gravy. It tasted so delicious and savory.

Mie Titi -  RECIPES :

Bahan Mie
1 Kg Mie keriting kecil
Minyak untuk menggoreng

--> Goreng mie kedalam minyak panas, sampe berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat. Sisihkan.

Bahan Kuah
1 Ikat besar sawi hijau, potong-potong
150 gr Cumi-cumi, iris tipis
150 gr Udang
100 gr Bakso ikan, iris tipis
100 gr Bakso goreng, belah menjadi 2 bagian
200 gr Dada Ayam, Potong kotak
1 Bh Bawang Bombay, cincang
1 Ruas jari Jahe, Keprek, Iris tipis
8 Siung Bawang putih
1 Lt Air (klo mo lebih mantap siyh pake Kaldu ajaH)
3 sdm Tepung Maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit air
2 btr telur ayam
1 sdm minyak wijen
garam, lada, gula secukupnya
minyak untuk menumis

Cara Membuat
- Siapkan wajan besar
- Tumis dalam minyak panas, bawang putih sampai harum, tuangkan minyak wijen, aduk cepat, masukkan bawang bombay dan jahe. tumis sampai agak layu.
- Turunkan cumi, udang dan dada ayam, tuang separuh kaldu, biarkan sampe agak matang, kemudian masukkan bakso ikan.
- Setelah semua matang, tuang kembali separuh kaldu. biarkan hingga mendidih. masukkan garam, lada dan gula. aduk rata.
- Masukkan sawi hijau bersama bakso goreng. aduk rata biarkan 3 menit.
- Campur telur dan larutan maizena, kcok rata lalu tuang ke adonan kuah. aduh rata dan tunggu hingga kuah mengental. angkat.

Cara Menghidangkan.
Taruh Mie keriting goreng kedalam piring, lalu tuangkan kuah diatasnya. hidangkan bersama sambal dan jeruk nipis..